

AutoplayMM is a free Windows AutoPlay menu utilizing XML scripts and images. You can create your own Autorun menus by just creating a simple XML script file and a background bitmap. AutoplayMM is freeware, so you are allowed to use it without any costs, but must not modify the executable nor charge any money for AutoplayMM itself.

Sample menu


Download the core files (ZIP, 151 KB)

Download the sample (ZIP, 569 KB)


AutoplayMM uses XML tags and and attributes to create the menu. The menu is defined by the file amm.xml . The file amm.dtd is also required, describing the structure of the amm.xml, but must not be modified. These files and additional ones, defined in amm.xml, are parsed by the AutoplayMM.exe to generate the menu. AutoplayMM.exe, amm.xml and amm.dtd must be in the same folder to work correctly. To use AutoPlayMM as an Windows Autorun menu, you have to create an autorun.inf file. You can also modify the file included in the sample download.

AutoplayMM is compiled in two versions. The standard version uses standard Windows controls. The other version uses XP/Vista style controls.

General structure

The following part describes the structure and attributes, that can be used in the amm.xml file. Underlined attributes are required. A good starting point is to take a look at the sample and modify it for your purpose.




The <amm> tag is the general tag to declare an AutoplayMM menu and encloses all other tags. It defines the general attributes for the menu.

version         required AutoplayMM version (currently 100 for 1.00)
windowname      name of the first window to show

The <window> tag follows the <amm> tag and defines a new window with all its attributes. It encloses one or more <object> tags.


name            unique name of the window element
caption         caption of the window
style           notitle = window without title and system menu
                dialog  = standard dialog window with title
                and system menu
width           width in pixels
height          height in pixels
background      background image file
startsound      sound to be played when started
icon            icon to be used as program icon


The <object> tag defines an object on a window and must be enclosed by a <window> tag. Currently there are two types of objects, button and image. Both can react on user events. A button is drawn using standard dialog buttons with a caption, while an image can use user-defined bitmaps, allowing you to create your own button style.

name            unique name of the object element
type            image  = image (can act as a button)
                button = Windows stype button button
		text   = dialog font text output
caption         (button, text) caption for buttons and texts
visible         yes/no
x               x position relative to left upper corner of the window
y               y position relative to left upper corner of the window
width           (image, button) width in pixels
height          (image, button) height in pixels
transpareny     (image, text) yes/no transparency for images and text,
                identified by upper left pixel for images
image_default   (image) default image file for images
image_click     (image) image file for images (when clicked)
image_hover     (image) image file for images (when hovered)
event_clicked   (image, button) referenced event to be executed
		when object is clicked


The <event> tag can be executed on an <object> interaction. For example it can open a program when clicking on a button or show. The event type is defined by the type attribute. open executes the default operation, associated with the referenced meda element. This can be the execution of a program, showing a textfile or PDF, or opening an URL link in a browser.

name            unique name of the event element
type            quit = exit dialog
                showobject = sets the referenced object to visible
                hideobject = sets the referenced object to invisible
                open = opens the referenced media file
media           (open) referenced media element
next            next event to be immidiatly executed,
                can be used to create command chains
object          (showobject/hideobject) referenced object to show/hide


The <media> tag defines elements, that can be used by <event> tags. This can be a program executable, textfile, image or an URL. To use an URL, you must create an URL filesimilar to the alexpage.url, that is included in the demonstration menu.

name            unique name of the media element
source          media file


AutoplayMM 1.12

  • fixed: visible=no was not working as default setting
  • fixed: event chaining was not working

AutoplayMM 1.11

  • fixed: minimizing closed the program in dialog window style

AutoplayMM 1.10

  • added: images for hover and click (image object type)
  • added: dialog font text output