
USB Image Tool support forum
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Joined: Mon Jan 31, 2022 7:51 am


Post by mihuf »

Hi Alex,

Thank You for this tool. I am using it from time to time to clone some SD-Cards and it always worked like a charm.

To be able to use the USB Image Tool in future, I need to ensure that log4j is not an issue. While I am pretty sure that this is the case, I did not find any clues to confirm this. Therefore, I would kindly ask You to confirm, that log4j is either not used within USB Image Tool, which I think, or that the necessary patches have been applied. In the latter case please also provide the corresponding version number of USB Image Tool.

With best regards
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Re: log4j

Post by Alex »

log4j is not used used in USB Image Tool, so log4shell vulnerability is not an issue.
Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Jan 31, 2022 7:51 am

Re: log4j

Post by mihuf »

Happy to read this :)
Thanks a lot for the fast reply.
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